Sunday, October 19, 2008

Hours TWENTY-THREE and FOUR or Winding Down

Hi Kids!

Parents are showing up to collect their kids and things are winding down. Michael finished "Stray Dog" and Paul has 13 pages in the can. He's saying it has something with the hard uncomfortable chairs and Jake is backing him up. Michael says that he had to stand up a lot. That helped. Pete has six pages done but he has assured us he'll finish it onaccounta he likes it.

BIG NEWS! Jeff has finished at 11:59! We are all in awe of his awesomeness in finishing so close to the deadline.

That's it! We're OUTTA HERE!

See youse next year!

Your pal,



Hi Kids!

Now I ask you, does this look like the face of an old man who has been up for 29 hours?

Here we are at hour 21 and Gwen has finished her comic, "Lola".

The sun is up and shining. The sky is a beautiful blue, not cloud in it and the temperature is a lovely, oh, I don't know, somewhere around 70, 75. Not that I want to boast or anything, but to those people who, like my friend, Chuck, from Chicago, when he got off the plane in Phoenix, saw all the sand, and said, "Where's the beach?", that's just the way it is almost every day here in the Land of Enchantment. I think the weather is the greatest thing about New Mexico. Unlike Phoenix, which is a blast furnace in the summer, we here in Q-Town enjoy mild, sunny winters and warm summers, the temperature rarely topping the century mark. And, it's a dry heat so you don't really even perspire all that much.

And you may wonder why I'm going on and on about all this. Well, the truth is Jake's camera battery died on us so I'm waiting for it to charge up enough so we can get Gwen's pic so the poor girl can go home and start the recovery process from this grueling ordeal. She's being so patient, bless her heart...
The battery has charged enough and we can now bid a fond and grateful farewell to Gwen.

And not only that, but while I was in the bathroom performing my morning ablutions, Stu finished his comic, too.

Here's Stu with his comic.
And Paul has gone for Starbuck's (the BAWLS is long gone, but you know, BAWLS is a proud sponsor of 24 Hour Comic Day). Bless his heart...
A lotta heart blessin' goin' on here, but then again, it is Sunday.


Sun's up and Aliina has finished her comic at 8:26. Here she is with her comic, "Roll".

Hour NINETEEN or The Sun Also Rises

And so sunrise comes to Harwood Art Center (boy, do I suck at photography, or what? This one's blurry, too.)


Hi Kids! Still enthusiastic--whatta trooper, eh?

Anyway, Courtney finished. As I recall, she finished about this time last year, too, except last year she finished first.

Sorry about the blurriness. The ace photo snapper is asleep...


Well kids, we've lost a few more to the Sandman. But not me. No sir. I'm still wide awake, er, sorta...

Here's Heron proudly displaying his finished comic.


Wha? Three in the morning already? Piece of cake--Z-z-z-z-z-z-z... Naw, I'm not really that tired yet...

Here's Nick playing with his DS. I can't tell what game he's playing.

Can you?

We have another finisher. His name is Heron and i'll post his pic in the next post...


Hi Kids!
We're still here, although we lost a few folks. Happens every year (like I know what I'm talking about--this is my second year!).

Jeff's cover. Dontcha love the dancing dog? Me too.

Paul is snoozing. Check out the STAR WARS blankie. The light sabers look like they're glowing! Cool!

Michael takes a snack break and looks pretty serious about it.

Saturday, October 18, 2008


Boy, I really need to work on my spacing, huh?
We're still plugging away...
Here's Jeremy, hard at work.
Michael's "Stray Dog"

Paul is working and playing with army men!

Gabe is coming along nicely.

Gwen is working it!

Hours TEN through TWELVE

Hi Kids! We're back!

I have just spent the last couple hours talking with my oldest friend in the world from my youth (we're talking 17 years old!) whom I haven't spoken to but once since 1971. Lotta catching up to do...

Anyway, we just got off the phone so now it's time to get back to the action!

Ladies and gentlemen, we have a WINNAH! At about 10:15, Brooklyn was the first to finish her comic, "Galaxy Breath"!

Tell them what she won, Chuck.

Well Chuck, Brooklyn has won a BAWLS t-shirt and a BAWLS messenger bag and a little orange BAWLS super ball!

BAWLS is a proud sponsor of 24 Hour Comic Day and folks are pinging off the walls here at the Harwood.
Oh, we are so excited!

HOUR(s) SEVEN through NINE

Hey, I've been busy! It ain't easy trying to decide which pix get posted and stuff, and I gotta wait until the pix download and then make`em smaller onnaccounta I don't wanna make `em too big.
Blah blah, Woof woof--whatever...
The best laid plans, etc...

Here are some more pix...

Courtney again

Dirk @ work

And now we head into HOUR TEN...

HOUR SIX- The Sun Sets on the Harwood

The sun sets on the Harwood and we are chugging along...

Zack and Gabe

Zack's @ work.


Okay, here we are at HOUR FIVE and I'll try to post some more pix...

This is Pete Z. (one of the Z-Boys)

This is Paul (the other Z-Boy)

This is Jeff. He's the one that did the most for this project. Thanks, Jeff!

Michael and his "Stray Dog"

Lovely Theatre

Rockin' Paul

Zoe and Ben

Courtney @ work

Courtney again


Al and Ian
And that's a few of the folks on hand here in HOUR FIVE!
Your pal,


I'll bet that"Hi Kids!" thing is gettin' kinda annoying, eh?

Okay, here we are at HOUR FOUR and I'm gonna try and post some more pix.

Here's the rest of the gang!

And here's the place, The Harwood Art Center

We are in the upper left window.

Next time I'll try to bring youse some actual artwork, since that's why we're here, after all!
Your pal,
P.S. Wait'll I tell you why I couldn't post the pix. No, I can't. It's too embarassing...


Hi Kids!

This is actually part 3 but part 2 went away. I don't know where--into the ether, I guess...

More pix after this post, I guess...

Your confused pal,



Hi Kids!

Mostly pix this time. After all, the are worth a buncha words, eh?This is Jeff and I at Blogging Central


Hi Kids!

Stil pluggin' away here in Q-Town. Will post some pix as soon as I take care of some business involving spreadsheets and legal stuff having to do with 24HCD...

Your pal,



Hi Kids,

It's me, your ole pal, Chuck, and it looks as if things are up and running here in Albuquerque, AKA; Q-Town and while I was hoping for a group shot, it seems that already folks are feeling the pressure and don't want to disengage from their respective projects to gather together for a group hug.


We got Jake here to do pix and I'll be posting every hour until it's over. Think of me as a young Jerry Lewis (too young to remember who he is? One of the greatest slapstick comedians in history whose creativity and comic genius flows in the blood of everyone that has come since him. But I digress...) and his labor day March of Dimes Telethon, except not from Vegas and with no really famous guests or musical acts. Hmm... Come to think of it, maybe I'm not really like Jerry Lewis after all, eh? Might wanna rethink that...

Oh well, I'm kinda new to this blogging thing so you'll hafta bear with me, or not. It's up to you. This is America, after all...

Back soon,

Your pal,


Friday, October 17, 2008

The 7000 BC Q-Town 24 Hr Flyer

Hi Again Kids!

This is our flyer:

See youse soon!

Your Pal,


Hi Kids! Less than 13 Hours Now...

Hi Kids!

Won't be long now. Just wanted to do a test to see if this thing is working. We at 7000BC will be back in less than 13 hours to bring youse 24 Hours in Q-Town as it happens. We'll have pictures and comments and other stuff, too, so stay tuned!

Your Pal,


Tuesday, October 7, 2008

24 Hours, Hour By Hour

Hi Kids!

This is where it's all gonna happen on 24 Hour Comic Day from the Harwood Art Center in Albuquerque...

Check back soon for further details...
